90 Minutes with Governor Inslee

Yesterday was an exciting day for Skagitonians! We were a among a group that traveled to Olympia and presented Skagit agriculture and farmland protection strategies to Governor Inslee and his Cabinet as part of the State's "Results Washington" initiative. The group, comprised of the Port of Skagit, Northwest Agricultural Business Center, Western Washington Agricultural Association, Washington State University, WSU Bread Lab, the Skagit County Farmland Legacy program, and SPF, was invited to share their expertise with the Governor for a specific goal in the initiative: 4.1.a: Maintain current level of statewide acreage dedicated to working farms (cropland) of 7.312 million acres in 2015 with no net loss through 2018 We thank WSDA Director Derek Sandison, our partners, Governor Inslee and his Cabinet and staff for a very constructive meeting.Find out more about Goal 4.1.a by clicking here.The entire presentation aired on TVW and is worth a watch!


This Just InLora Claus